Manage Single & Variable products.
Classify products according to Brands, Categories, and Sub-Category.
Add products having different units
Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.
Get stock alerts on low stock.
Save time by auto-calculating the selling price, the system is smart to
auto-calculate the selling price based on the purchase price and profit margin.
No need to type variations every time, create a variation template and use it every
time you need to create variable products.
Easily add purchases.
Add purchases for different locations.
Manage Paid/Due purchases.
Get Notified of Due purchases a week before the pay date.
Add discounts & Taxes
Simplified interface for selling products
Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business
Add new customers from the POS screen
Ajax-based selling screen – save reloading time
Mark an invoice for the draft or final
Different options for payments
Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.